
St. Mary Help of Christians Church – A Renewed, Dynamic and Committed community empowered by Christ’s love in the Eucharist, strive to further God’s Kingdom through faith, hope and charity.


We, the parishioners, under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians, endeavor to lead God’s people to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. To do this, we commit ourselves to:

 · celebrate and contemplate in thanksgiving the Love of God in the Passover of Christ to build up His Body by being living witnesses; (WORSHIP)

· proclaim the Love of God through Eucharistic Evangelization for the renewal and transformation of Christian communities; (FORMATION)

· respond to the hungers of the human family, especially the poor and the weak, by doing the Corporal Works of Mercy out of Love of God. (SERVICE / SOCIAL APOSTOLATE)

 Honoring the past, living in the present and building for the future to make our parish into an authentic community in the Eucharist – source and summit of Christian life – with Mary, our Mother, we will continue to share in the mission of the Church so that the Eucharist may be celebrated, contemplated, proclaimed, and responded to in truth, thereby becoming God’s sacrament of love as we await Christ’s coming.